Helping your Child through Addiction


What can you do when you realize your adult child has a drug or alcohol addiction? This is a heart-wrenching experience for many people, regardless of the child’s age. Because your child is an adult, it is often difficult to intervene. There are many ways that you can help your child fight an addiction to alcohol and/or drugs.


Have a Calm Conversation with your Child


You may blame yourself, your spouse, or the child’s friends when you discover drug and/or canstockphoto42566154alcohol abuse. You may even wonder what you did wrong, or if there was something you could have done differently. Even though you are shocked, confused, or angry, you must remain calm while confronting the adult child.

The best time to talk to someone about addiction is when that person is sober. You should sit down and start a conversation about the issue. Don’t use judgements or blame, and gently talk about what you can do to help. Offer support in a kind and loving way, so your son or daughter understand that he/she needs to recover.


Research your Addiction Treatment Options


Many outpatient and inpatient drug addiction programs are available in your state. You should inquire about these rehabilitation programs, and investigate which ones have higher success rates than others. It is important to support your child with whichever treatment option you choose together.

When considering treatment options for your adult daughter or son, you should get help for yourself. Parents often report that they feel alone in this situation, because addiction is an illness that carries much guilt and blame. Parents do no always open up to friends and other relatives. Considering joining a support program, such as NAR-ANON and AL-ANON, which offers support and treatment during the recovery process.



Educate Yourself about Addiction


The more you understand addiction, the better you can help your daughter or son deal with these issues. The worst thing you can do as a parent is “enable” your child’s addiction, such as given him money or allow him to not accept responsibility. Through education, you will get to understand the process of enabling, so you can avoid it. The treatment centers have family education programs that give parents, siblings, and close family the knowledge and tools that helps them better support a loved one in recovery.

If you want to discuss treatment options, addiction, and therapy options with a professional at the treatment center, you should first understand that the substance abuse counselors and mental health workers are there to help you. While the truth hurts, you must be honest with professionals about your child’s addiction, and things you may have done to enable it. After you become educated on your addiction, you can give your son and daughter his/her choices: poverty, homelessness, hunger, and jail.


Tips for Handling Anger, Uncooperativeness, and Aggression


Many young adults become angry, uncooperative, and aggressive when confronted with addiction. Your son and daughter may threaten to leave home. Assure him/her that you love them, and stress that you cannot allow for self-destruction. Be prepared to get a restraining order should the adult child retaliate with violence.

When your child reaches the “bottom,” which occurs when there is nothing left to sell or trade for drugs. Expect angry accusations from your son or daughter, such as “It’s all your fault I’m this way,” or “You never loved me!” These things can make you feel worried. While you cannot always control a situation, you can control how you react. Always respond in a calm voice, use “I” sentences rather than “you,” and avoid retaliating with cruel words or anger.


US Rehab Network offers first rate rehab centers NATIONWIDE for your child who has an addiction issue. Insurance is accepted, and there are self pay/financing options available too!

We will work with you to find the best option, and help to minimize any out of pocket expenses. Call us at (888) 598-0909 today don’t wait!




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